Hi buddies, This trick is One of my Loveliest and Best tricks. Everyone is annoyed and tired of these links which give you some Wait...! Don't be Amazed, I also Provide you Such type of Links. But I' ll Help you, As my aim of blogging is to Give you every type of knowledge. So, that's my Duty and religious obligation to Help you to solve this Problem.
You need an Addon/Extension. For Firefox it is termed as GreaseMonkey, And for Chrome it is termed as TamperMonkey. And Then, You have install a User Script. So, let's starts the Important Lesson.....
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You need an Addon/Extension. For Firefox it is termed as GreaseMonkey, And for Chrome it is termed as TamperMonkey. And Then, You have install a User Script. So, let's starts the Important Lesson.....
For FireFox:
- Just Go to This link "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/?src=hp-dl-mostpopular" to Install Addon which is termed as GreaseMonkey.
- Click On Add to Firefox.
- After Installation, You have to install user Script which is required to Do this work.
- To install the script, Just Go to "http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/118033", Then Click on Install button as shown in below:
- That's it.
For Chrome:
- Just Go to this Link "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo?hl=en" To install Addon which is termed as TamperMonkey.
- Now, Click on Add to Chrome.
- Now, Like before, Click This link "http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/118033".
- Click on Install.
- That's it.
This Article was So Simple But it is the first stage to Power-up Your Browser and To Do many Wonderful tricks with this Amazing Addon. I'll Also give You some Popular User Scripts that are Helpful for Different purposes. If you find any time of Problem, then you can Tell Me....