Showing posts with label Folder Trickz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Folder Trickz. Show all posts

Thursday, August 08, 2013

How To Password Protect files and folders without using any Third party application in windows 7,vista,8,XP?

Today, i will show you another folder trick. This trick is very simple to Protect files and Folders without using any third type of application or software. This is done by using a notepad. You don, t need any software.
Sometimes you have to lock your folder and hide its files. You may use some softwares and other apps to done this, but in this tutorial you will learn to do this with out them. To done this, carefully read the content below...

Procedure for locking and protecting a folder:

  • Open Notepad.
  • Copy and paste the following text in opened notepad
title Secret Locker -----------------------
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Locker goto MDLocker
echo Do you want to hide this Locker, to keep it safe from univited eyes ? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Locker Secured !
goto End
echo Enter your secret password to unhide the Locker:
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== 123456 goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Locker visibility unlocked !
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully :)
goto End

change the highlighted text with your desired password.
  • Now, save it as xxx.bat file (xxx is the name of file). [see screenshot of this step]
  • Copy or move this file to any place where you want to create an folder having protection.
  • Open it. It will create an folder named Locker in that place.
  • Now, again open this xxx.bat file and type Y to lock this folder.
  • This will hide and lock your folder.

Procedure for Opening or un-locking folder:

  •  After locking/hiding a folder you should know about unlocking/un-hiding it.
  • Again open that xxx.bat file and type your password
  • This will un-hide that folder named locker and you can access the data.

Procedure for Disabling Protecting:

When you have un-locked the folder using above steps, Open that xxx.bat file and Type N instead of Y and folder will behave as a common folder.

Saving  xxx.bat file to a secure place:

You can save this xxx.bat file to any place. Then, to un-lock the folder you have to put that xxx.bat file to that location where you created the folder. In this way, you can manage and lock several folders by using only on xxx.bat file

Downloadable xxx.bat File:

If you cannot do this manually, I have also upload that .bat file and you can do this hack easily by download it by clicking here
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Sunday, July 07, 2013

How to Create an invisible folder having no Icon and Name in windows seven, Vista and XP?

This process will make a folder invisible. So that no one will be able to see that folder. But in thumbnail view of folder the location of the folder is view able.
 Process to make a folder Invisible1. First create a folder or make a folder with a blank space or without any name.

First Check: How to create a folder with no name or with a blank space
2. Now a folder without any name will be created.
3. Now you have to change the icon of the folder so that the folder will be invisible.
4. Now righ click on the folder and choose "Properties".
5. On the propeety window navigate to "customize" tab.
6. Now click on "Change Icon".
7. Now the icon selection window will be opened.
8. Now move the scroller and choose the empty icon as shown in the figure.
[Figure for step 2 to 8]

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Saturday, July 06, 2013

How to Create A con Folder With Out Using Command Prompt(CMD)?

This is the very simple trick and just a combination of my two previous article.
How to create a folder with any name and
How to create a folder with no name or with a blank space

In the same Process we can also create a folder with the following names. To do so just change CON with these folder names in step-3

  • Prn
  • Nul
  • Lpt1
  • Lpt2
  • Lpt3
  • Lpt4
  • Lpt5
  • Lpt6
  • Lpt7
  • Lpt8
  • Lpt9
  • Com1
  • Com2
  • Com3
  • Com4
  • Com5
  • Com6
  • Com7
  • Com8
  • Com9
These are the reserved name of by windows So we can not create a folder with these names by simple folder creation method.

Process to create a con folder without using command Prompt
1. Create a folder or rename a folder.
2. Now press "Alt" and type 255 (using numpad that are present at the right side of keyboard).
3. Then type CON and press Enter.
4. Now a folder with the name CON will be created.
5. Theis folder can be easily deleted.
But in my Previous article How to create a con folder or Create a folder with any name.The created CON folder can not be easily deleted.

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How to create a Folder With Any Name e.g con,prn.etc

The creation and renaming of folder is known to mostly users But Today I shall inform you an interesting thing about folders that "folder cannot be created with some specific names i-e con,prn..... etc".This process will show you the way to create folders with such names.So let,s Know it.

Process to Create a New Folder and Rename it:
E.g. a) right mouse click- > new- > new folder
      A folder will be created with name “new folder”.
We can also change its name (right mouse click- >rename- >give a new name to the folder Suppose “xxx” or simply press F2 and give a new name) Now the name of the folder changes from “new folder” to “xxx”

b) We can also create a folder by command prompt
For this open command prompt (  + R- > type “cmd”- > hit enter )
E.g. It will display the command prompt screen-
           C :\
Use “mkdir” command to create a folder.
C:\>mkdir [path where to create the folder]\folder name then hit enter
E.g. suppose you want to create the folder having name “xxx” inside the folder “zzz” in d: drive.
Then type     
C:\>mkdir d:\zzz\xxx
c) We can also change the folder name by command prompt.
For this open command prompt ( + R- > type “cmd”- > hit enter)
E.g. It will display the command prompt screen-
          C :\>
Use “rename” command to change the name of the folder
C:\>rename [path of the folder whose name to be change] [new name of the folder]
E.g. suppose you have to change the name of the folder “xxx” to “rock” which is present inside the folder
“zzz” in d: drive. Then type
C:\>rename d:\zzz\xxx rock

But, there are some exception, we can’t create a folder with those name in the above two process
Some of those names are:-

If we try to create folder with those names it will not created or if we try to rename any other folder to those name it will Not be change. This will display a message “the specified device name is invalid” or “the directory name is invalid”.We can also create those folders by command prompt. Only we have to make some correction on the path of the folder where We have to create the folder.

Steps for creating the folder with those exception name :
                For this open command prompt ( + R- > type “cmd”- > hit enter)
E.g.              It will display the command prompt screen-
                       C :\>
              Type mkdir\\.\[path where to create the folder]\[folder name] then hit enter
   e.g. Suppose we have to create a folder with name “con” inside the folder “zzz” in d: drive. Then type     

Then a folder with name “con” will be created inside the folder “zzz” in d: drive.
We can use any other name instead of “con” to create a folder with that name & also change the path of the folder.

 In general process these folders are also not deleted.
To delete this folder use “rd” command.

e.g.  To delete previously created con folder type

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Thursday, July 04, 2013

How to Create a Hidden,Unsearchable Folder in Windows XP,Vista And Windows 7?

If we change the properties of the folder to hidden (right click on the folder- >properties- >tick hidden)
Then properties of the folder become hidden. But if show hidden files & folder is enable (folder option- > view- >hidden files & folder - > tick show hidden files & folder) then it shows that folder.
But anyone search that folder can find the content of that folder. So this process is not useable.

         “recycler” – it is a folder which is hidden and unsearchable.Its location is just inside the drive except c: (windows installation drive)
         Only type “d:\recycler” (excluding quotes) in the address bar it opens a folder with name “recycler” in d drive. You  Can also change the drive letter. Put your data there & come out. It don’t show anything in d Drive and no one can search the contents.
        To reach that folder “recycler” only way is type the address in the address bar i.e. d:\recycler or any
        other drive letter in place of d. if you have created the recycler folder in any other drive.

The process is good in Windows XP operating system but it is not working properly in Windows Vista and seven.

                     This process is more reliable than process 1.
Create a folder with any name anywhere inside your system.
Then change the attribute of the folder to hidden and unsearchable by command prompt.
 Suppose there is a folder named “xxx” inside the folder “rock” in d: drive. We have to make hidden and
Unsearchable to that folder using command “attrib +s +h” in command prompt.

               Open command prompt (window logo key + R- > type “cmd”- > hit enter)
          E.g. It will display the command prompt screen-
             Type attrib +s +h [folder path] ->hit enter
            e.g. C:\Users\Waseem>attrib +s +h d:\rock\xxx

This will make the folder “xxx” hidden and unsearchable
   1. We can reach the content of that folder by typing the full path of the folder (i.e. d:\rock\xxx) in the Address bar.
   2. For change its attribute to unhidden and searchable use the command attrib “–s –h” in step2.
      attrib -s -h d:\rock\xxx

1. +s makes the attribute of the file & folder to system
2. +h makes the attribute of the file & folder to hidden.
3. –s removes the attribute of the file & folder from system to general.
4. –h makes the attribute of the file & folder to un hidden.

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